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Eleggua o Eshu

Eleggua, also known as Eshu or Elegua, is one of the most important and revered Orishas in the Yoruba religion. He is considered the guardian of the crossroads, the messenger of the gods, and the protector of travelers. His role is pivotal as he opens and closes the pathways of communication between the human world and the divine.


Eleggua is the Orisha of the crossroads and is often depicted as a trickster and a deity of change. He is known for his playful and unpredictable nature, embodying the essence of both order and chaos. Eleggua is the gatekeeper who controls the flow of life and fortune. Without his permission, no event can begin and no prayers can reach the other Orishas.


The colors associated with Eleggua are red and black. These colors symbolize his dual nature, representing both his playful, mischievous side and his serious, protective aspect.

Attributes and Symbols

Eleggua's symbols include keys, which represent his control over doors and pathways, and the crossroads itself, symbolizing his dominion over choices and destinies. Other symbols include stones and small sculptures often found at crossroads. He is also associated with the number 3.

Benefits of Receiving Eleggua

Receiving Eleggua's blessings can provide numerous benefits to his devotees, including:

  1. Guidance and Protection: As the guardian of the crossroads, Eleggua provides guidance in decision-making and protects his followers during their journeys, both physical and spiritual.
  2. Communication: Eleggua facilitates communication with other Orishas and the divine, ensuring that prayers and offerings are heard and answered.
  3. Opening Opportunities: He is known for opening doors and creating opportunities, helping his devotees overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
  4. Luck and Fortune: Eleggua brings good luck and fortune, often turning the tide in favor of his followers.
  5. Balance and Change: He helps maintain balance in life, navigating between chaos and order, and assists in managing change and transitions.

Worship and Offerings

Worship of Eleggua often includes offerings that reflect his preferences and attributes. Common offerings include:

  • Candies, toys, and small trinkets, symbolizing his playful nature.
  • Foods such as coconuts, smoked fish, and corn.
  • Liquor, tobacco, and other items that reflect his role as a trickster and mediator.
  • Red and black candles are often lit in his honor.

Rituals dedicated to Eleggua are usually performed at crossroads or at doorways, emphasizing his role as a gatekeeper.

Feast Day and Festivals

Eleggua's feast day is typically celebrated on June 13th, coinciding with the feast of Saint Anthony of Padua in syncretic traditions like Santería. This day involves rituals, offerings, drumming, and dancing to honor him and seek his blessings.


In syncretic traditions, particularly Santería, Eleggua is often associated with Saint Anthony of Padua, a saint known for finding lost things and guiding those who are lost, reflecting Eleggua’s role in guiding and protecting travelers.


Eleggua is a central figure in the Yoruba faith, embodying the spirit of the crossroads and acting as a crucial intermediary between the human world and the divine. His blessings bring guidance, protection, communication, opportunities, and luck, making him an essential Orisha for those seeking direction and support in their lives.